I sometimes listen to the zoe podcast, until they annoy me with some nonsense. Ive wondered myself why if zoe is the ultimate health and diet monitor and key to healthiest you, why they are now taking this dried supplement and saying how much better they feel. I also dont like how they say glucose spikes are unhralthy. Surely its what you would want after a meal, especially if previously tired and hungry, a burst of energy.

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Got here from your podcast with Dr. Karan and I really loved your myth debunking.

I am relatively healthy person so I don't take most of the advice from influencer health gurus. But I have noticed that I tend to share a lot of those misleading food hacks such as suppressing glucose spikes with greek yougurt, with my family members dealing with diabetes. Now that I think about it, I might just only be causing them harming unintentionally( assuming that they take me seriously). So these influencers are not just misleading their audience but their family and friends as well as a second degree effect.

Anyways thanks for recalibrating my bulls**t detector. I usually need it from time to time.

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They should be called The Rip-Off Corporation

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Delighted to discover that you are a fellow caper/other pickled things lover 😁

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Just gotta be aware of the high sodium that comes with pickled foods.

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