Very good blog, Nicola, but I think your blog should have a third part about the conflict of interest that includes your former PhD supervisor, Gary Frost and his team at Imperial College London. It's rather amusing, isn't it? The same people who preach the gospel of personalised nutrition are knee-deep in their own 'scientific' ventures.

For a deeper dive, take a look at this blog by our German scientist colleague, Leonid Schneider. His post, "Imperial Piss Take," is a delightful read that unveils the farcical nature of these so-called scientific pursuits. You can find it here https://forbetterscience.com/2022/10/10/imperial-piss-take/

Definitely, you must talk about this in your next BS personalised nutrition talk. Otherwise, I guess you have a conflict of interest if you don't talk about your former PhD supervisor and his BS personalised nutrition company. Let's see if you dare to do it without being afraid of your next grant round .....

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Good call out. Everyone is high and mighty until called out.

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I'm not sure the people eating UPF are thinking "I must have some veg with this!" when they warm it up in their microwave...

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That’s exactly what a lot of people do as an easy way to improve their health while eating things they enjoy and are comfortable cooking.

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That was a really interesting read. I appreciate uncertainty and openness by scientists (they are human and have bias’ and make mistakes too) thankfully my bullshit detector has already alerted me to those mentioned and I have muted them on social media and I never watch magazine style tv programmes.

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As usual from you Dr Guess, a great critique on the current batch of celebrity health "experts" that many will be listening to and following. Thank you.

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It’s really sad that this happens in a time when so many wonderful & readily accessible NLP tools exist which can analyse and summarise thousands of papers with a few clicks, giving one a more complete view of a particular field. Fame, celebrity, monetisation etc sit much higher on our societal value ladder than the work of humble scientists doing the careful work over decades. My small contribution as an ex researcher is I do school outreach where we explore how to spot BS and think critically about the world.

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As always, a really interesting perspective on a topic I have a bias (conflict of interest) in: so, of course, I'm supporting Dr Guess here. But, while acknowledging our biases, we can defer to the evidence, which is what I tried to do in my take on this topic: https://jamescollier.substack.com/p/unprocessing-the-ultra-processed

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So good to hear some sense - and it's even evidence based!!

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